This school year, we started our Adopt-A-School initiative with Audubon Elementary School, scroll down for current projects, videos, and a timeline of the year so far.
Do you want to make an impact in a child's life? Audubon is looking for mentors. They have a long waitlist of mentees waiting to be carefully matched with a positive role model.
What is Mentorship?
Mentors provides consistent support, guidance, and concrete help to a student who is in need of a positive role model. Students involved in the mentoring program may be going through a difficult and/or challenging situation, a period of life in which they need extra support, or they may simply need to have another significant adult present in their life. The goal of student mentoring is to help students involved in the mentoring program to gain the skills and confidence to be responsible for their own futures.
The most crucial role for a student mentor is to be an adult who has time for a child, who cares about that child, who believes in that child, and is committed to a long term relationship with the child. It is very important to know that the relationship between the mentor and the student may be the ONLY stability the child knows, and the only time anyone spends quality time with the child. Therefore, the district asks that a student mentor spend a minimum of one hour every other week with their child. This relationship between the student and mentor takes place during the school day at the child’s school.
The first step is to contact the school counselor, she will walk you through the process and answer any questions you might have.
Jackie Leibold
Audubon School Counselor
(563) 552-3352
Adopt-a-School Financial Support
To support the upcoming Adopt-A-School projects, you can donated at the Connection Center during weekend services, donate via our app or by clicking the button below (Choose "Adopt-A-School" under giving Type).