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You can do it, You will make it!

Laurie Weinschenk

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

Seems summer has arrived! Kids are out of school and yet life is not slowing down. I am really determined to enjoy my summer and slow it down!!

Recently, I have talked with a couple friends and they have expressed the same thoughts - their summer is busier than the school year! Moms are busy but yet spending more time alone, thus feeling disconnected. One mom said she had not talked to an adult for 2 days, unless you count the cashier at Menards who glared at her and her 3 busy kiddos screaming for pizza. One mom texted and said, "Please come to lunch, I need to see and talk to an adult." Another mom sent out an SOS text to some friends, with all of them replying that they felt the same way.

What I do love about all these women is that they reached out! They knew others could not read their mind. They asked for a small thing, just time, just an ear or a hug. They didn't sit and stew, listening to the lies..."I have no friends, no one calls or texts, everyone is hanging out with friends except me." Instead, they took the first step to connect.

I have heard many people speak and believe these untruths, only to see them lonely and bitter. At times, we may all feel alone or a loss of purpose and direction - this is when we need to reach out to others. God did not want us to do life alone; He created us for community, to do life together.

Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

He has always had a plan for us to have community; this is where we live life and heal. We lift each other up, hold each other accountable, and celebrate and mourn together. We all need the spurring on.

I have a sweet friend who, at times we will text each other this simple sentence: "You can do it, you will make it!"

Sometimes this is all we need, and other times we may need more. BUT we need to be the person that reaches out! No one is a mind reader. This why it is important to be in community; life group, Bible study, MOPS, men's group, whatever you can be connected in with believers who will love and speak truth - people to live life with!

Seven years ago my husband and I separated. This was a time I really leaned into community. I gathered my "people" and told them the ugly truth. This was so difficult for me, and yet I think Jesus used it to humble me. There is something so powerful and sweet when a friend cries tears for you and walks through life with you.

If you're not in a group or have your "PEOPLE," I strongly encourage you to do so! This September we will offer opportunities to help you get connected. Please do not sit on the sidelines and buy into the lies of being alone. GET CONNECTED!

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