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How Big is your God?

Nelson Jenkins

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

I was in Mexico on our mission trip this past summer. It was a great 10 days.

Each morning I would get up and go to the top of the building we were staying at and worship God as I looked at His beautiful creation. The mountains there were incredible.

One morning I thought maybe I’d climb one of them, but then realized I did not want to.

One particular morning I went up and noticed that the mountains were not as big as they had been the day before. It caught my eye because it was such a difference! A storm had come through the night before and a huge fog engulfed my view. I could see part of the mountains, but not all of them.

I took a picture that morning because I wanted to compare it to a picture taken on a clear day.

The next day I went back up and the sun was shining and the mountains were there in all their glory.

The day before, they were still there, I just could not see them.

Many times that is the way it is with God. He is there, and we know it. But we get discouraged and feel down. We start to forget how big our God really is. We don’t always see Him through the fog - the storms of our busy schedules, our screaming kids, family struggles, addictions, our difficult boss (not mine), or so many other things going on in our lives.

When those storms come into our lives (and they will), we need to remember that God is still as big as or bigger than He was before the current situation came up.

The Bible speaks a lot about mountains.

Isaiah 54:10, “’Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”

Psalm 90: 2, “Before the mountains were born, or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

God was here before those huge mountains existed. He was here before those huge storms in your life existed. He has not moved. He will always be here.

You can trust that He is bigger than He appears in your human mind. Thank God for that!

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