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2019 New Songs: Part 2

Michelle Schulte

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

Check out Part 1, if you haven't already...

I reached out to several of the music team leaders to ask them why they were drawn to the new songs they chose to share with you thru the weekend worship experience in the year 2019. I pray you are blessed by their thoughts!

#5 Though You Slay Me John Draginis

Though You Slay Me - This song comes from a place of deep pain for the writer Shane Barnard and his family. The song was actually written in the midst of losing their dad, Shane’s mom. Although this song has not become a regular for Hope I think it's worth reflecting on and worth knowing because it represents a truth that is so difficult to grasp as humans. In the song it says, "Though you slay me, yet I will praise you. Though You take from me, I will bless Your name. Though You ruin me, still I will worship, Sing a song to the One who's all I need." This song is based off of Job 1:21, "He gives, he takes, blessed be the name of the Lord. This song represents the sovereignty of God, and the power of praising Him even in the midst of deep pain in your life, because in our suffering we might/can know God. It is difficult to comprehend, but God allows suffering in our life and He makes good out evil. I will admit that even I struggle to understand the real power of this song, but I see God's character deeply ingrained in it. Like Job says God can and does take from us but He is also the giver of all things.

Dig Deeper: As you look over the last season of suffering you walked through, did you experience Jesus more or less? Were you able to come to know Him more in His suffering as you suffered?

#4 Hallelujah for the Cross Cal Bergsma

Hallelujah for the Cross is one I chose because it immediately catches your attention musically and gets the listener of it to feel the excitement of the message. The song does a good job displaying the gospel message found in Ephesians chapter 2 how we are all born in a state of sin, punishment and damnation but God in his love, mercy, grace did not leave mankind that way but offered us redemption through Jesus Christ.

Dig Deeper: What are you most grateful to have left at the cross? What freedom have you found through the cross?

#3 Living Hope introduced by Shelby Moser

I admit that when it comes to songs I enjoy leading people to praise and worship, I am drawn toward ones of powerful proclamation. Living Hope is such a great example of a song that we can joyfully sing out as a congregation in one voice to praise Jesus and proclaim His victory. Think about these powerful phrases from the song: "The work is finished, the end is written." "The cross has spoken, I am forgiven." "Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me." "You have broken every chain." "The grave has no claim on me, Jesus Yours is the victory!" The power in these statements is monumental, even just reading them in this written form. But put them in a song with a congregation joining voices and proclaiming these truths all together?! Now that is power that sends tingles down my spine and can bring me to my knees in awe of our Lord and Savior.

Dig Deeper: Which of these lyrics speak to you the most right now? Which bring you the most encouragement? Which bring you the most gratitude for Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf?

#2 Yes and Amen introduced by Cal Bergsma

Yes and Amen is a song that very similar to The Way. It is interesting musically and even more so in the jamming groove and kind of swing it gets going. It just kind of catches you musically into a momentum that just builds and builds and if done correctly can just bring the joy of the Lord into every heart where we all just can have fun with the music and with the singing and yet at the same time be singing truth found directly in scripture, 1 Corinthians chapter 1:20. It is a reminder to the listener and singer that ALL the PROMISES of God have found their YES in Jesus Christ. The song brings encouragement and confidence as we proclaim that truth that the promises in scripture directed toward his children are given the best answer ever, YES !

Dig Deeper: In what ways have you seen God’s faithfulness today? In what promise of God have you experienced “Yes and Amen!” this year?

#1 The Way introduced by Cal Bergsma

“The Way” is a song that again is musically interesting to a point that at least it is helpful to push the message. It has an energy to it that brings excitement to the truth being sung and at least to me although somewhat simple it does a good job changing just enough to keep the listener engaged in the message. With that being said, I love the message of this song more than the music. The verses read more like Psalms where the singer can just profess all the things about God that are true and about His character that help us remember why we worship Him and why He is worthy. The chorus is of course direct quotes from Jesus own mouth as He declared about himself to be the ONLY WAY to God and to salvation. After singing this song I believe the congregation is reminded of this truth and how proud we are to speak and sing this truth and to honor Jesus name for being the ONLY WAY.

Dig Deeper: Through what battles in your life have you experienced Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life? What part of God’s character do you find the most encouragement in professing?

As the musicians who serve you, it is always our desire to turn you back to Scripture and back to Jesus through our practice of the art of music. We look forward to seeing you this coming weekend to sing out our witness together and lift His name!

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