Hi, I’m Dave Davis, the newest member of your Elder Board. I married Donna in 1977, and we have been blessed with seven children and seven grandchildren. While all the kids are grown, some of you might know our youngest son Josh, who graduated from Hempstead in 2021 and is now a Midshipman at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD.
In 2017, I joined Spahn & Rose Lumber Company and Donna, Josh, and I moved to Dubuque from Ann Arbor, MI. We have a Free Church background, so it was natural that the first church we visited was Hope and we never left! I appreciate Hope’s Bible-centered teaching and its commitment to growing disciples of Jesus through its LifeGroup ministry.
In our free time, Donna and I enjoy running and biking on the Heritage Trail, and we still make the trip back to Ann Arbor for Michigan football games! I’ve adopted 1 Cor. 10:31 as my life verse, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
Thank you for your prayers and support!