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Elder Highlight: Jeremy Jensen

Hope Church

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. My wife, Jenny and I have been coming to Hope Church for about 10 years. We have two wonderful daughters, Jenna (22), who is currently living in London, England, while she works on a master’s degree in Theater Education and JaNiese (20), who is a pre-med student at Drake University in Des Moines. I have almost 30 years in law enforcement and am currently the Assistant Chief of Police of the Dubuque Police Department. Away from work and the hustle and bustle, we love to camp, hunt deer, and chase pheasants with our springer spaniel and black lab.

My family started coming to Hope Church through an invite from friends (just like many of you). At the end of that first service, we knew we had found our church home. We felt like Matt’s message was talking to us directly. Sound familiar? At that time, Jenna asked us if we were going to become some of those “Jesus freaks”? Yep, that is us. We are blessed to call the people of Hope our family.

Jenny and I have served in many roles in the church. The one thing that we love the most is how Hope and the EFCA focus on the majors. We have been to many churches where the minors defined their church, and because of that, something was lost. We love the way everything is directed to the greatest commandment of loving God with all of our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our strength and loving our neighbors as ourselves.

While the elder board is in place to serve the church, we are really here to serve God. This is something we take very seriously and we keep our focus on what is God’s best in every discussion and decision.

I really hope to meet all of you. Please, stop me and say, “hi”. Humbly, Jeremy.


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