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Elder Highlight: Mike Tracy

Hope Church

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

Hey Hope Church. For those who may not know me, I am Mike Tracy, and I humbly serve as Elder Board Treasurer. My wife Sarah and I are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, Hannah and Maddie, and our fun-spirited little guy, Colin.

Professionally, I am blessed to work as the accountant for my family’s company, Tracy Export, Inc., and Sarah is a stay-at-home super mom. For fun, I love spending time with my family and friends, drumming, listening to music, playing games, watching movies, traveling, and attending Hawkeye games.

Over the past 13 years, Sarah and I have called Hope Church our home. When we moved back to the area from North Liberty (I am originally from Bellevue), Sarah and I were looking for a church that we could quickly plug into and one that is truly alive. We found that in Hope.

One thing that I love about Hope Church is that it does not just go through the motions. The church is on mission to bring the Gospel truth to whoever is open to hear it. One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 1:16 (NIV), “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” As believers, we are called to share the gospel with others by using our time, talents, and treasure. At Hope, Sarah does this by teaching preschool and early elementary classes, and we lead a Life Group together. Outside of the Board, I serve on the Finance Committee and can be found a lot of weekends drumming with the worship team. It is a privilege to serve you, Hope Church, and our God in these ways.

On behalf of the Elder Board, I ask that you please keep us in your prayers as we discern what the Lord would have us do as we move His church forward. If you get a chance, please say hello. I’d love to meet you.

Serving Him and you,


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