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Elder Highlight: Nathan Laws

Hope Church

Updated: Feb 14, 2022


My name is Nathan Laws and I've been serving on your Elder board since 2017.

Even if I haven't met you yet, you've probably seen me and my family around Hope at some point in the last 13 years. Nine years ago, in 2012, we shifted our attendance to Mindframe to help grow the second campus. As the campus grew and moved, we moved with it to the University of Dubuque, then the Roshek Campus, and ultimately back to Kennedy Campus this year. Over the years I may have served alongside you in the children's ministry as a teacher or learned with you in one of the many men's ministry events and classes. Currently I serve in the tech booth on Sundays and my wife and I lead a Life Group together in our home.

My wife Elizabeth serves in VBS each year and enjoys participating in women's Bible studies, but you probably know her more for her volunteering as a worship leader on Sundays. We have been married for 14 years and have four children, Noah (11), Sammy (9), Isaac (7), and Elia (6). We moved to Dubuque from State Center, Iowa 13 years ago when I accepted an engineering position at John Deere. Currently I supervise a team of engineers with responsibility for Excavator powertrains.

As a family we spend a lot of time camping. We also enjoy hiking, and biking as well as campfires in the backyard.

I look forward to continuing to serve and grow alongside you as we love and serve our God together.

Best Regards,

Nathan Laws


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