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Pick One

Bethany Lois

If you attend one of our services in person or online, you’ve heard “What’s your next step?”

We’re all on a spiritual journey, and no matter where we are on that path, there is always another step to take. But maybe you’re not sure what your next step might be? Here is a list of 20 Next Steps you can take. Just pick one, a go from there!

  1. Pick up or open your bible app and just start reading. Start at the New Testament and go.

  2. Sit now, and pray for God to reveal any barriers, unhealthy behavior, or sin that is keeping you distant from Him.

  3. Check out and consider where God wants you to be using your gifts from Him for His Church

  4. Do you have a friend at work, or maybe a neighbor who is in need of hearing the Good News? Pick up your phone and invite them to church with you this weekend.

  5. Have you made other things a priority over making it to church on Sundays? What might you need to set aside (even good things) to prioritize God in your or your family’s lives?

  6. Is there something you’ve read in the Bible that is confusing or concerning you? Reach out to a Pastor and have a conversation,

  7. Maybe you are continually distracted by your phone. I invite you to put it away for a set amount of time and be in conversation with God about how he wants to guide you.

  8. Are you struggling to feel true connection and friendship at church? Join a LifeGroup,

  9. Have you had conversations about God with your child(ren) or spouse? Maybe your next step is intentional time with them talking about spiritual issues.

  10. Do you have a hurt in your past that requires you to forgive someone? Find verses about forgiveness and ask God for the strength to forgive, because He has forgiven us.

  11. Do you have a TV show, book, or maybe music in your life that you know is not God-honoring? Bring him glory by ridding yourself of it.

  12. Do you feel like God is calling you to Baptism? Find out what the Bible says about Baptism and reach out to one of our Pastors.

  13. Have finances been something you have kept separate from your relationship with God? Is he asking you to be generous with what He’s given you? Take a step to give

  14. Are you honoring God with your language? Maybe it’s time to replace the swear jar with prayer.

  15. Is there someone you love that doesn’t know the gospel? Your next step could be asking for courage and sharing your faith.

  16. Do you read the Bible as a family? If not, create a new family tradition!

  17. Have you loved on anyone lately? Maybe there’s someone in need of a meal, a phone call to check in or a visit in the nursing home.

  18. Maybe your next step is meeting someone new at church, you never know why someone has walked through the doors, God can use you if you let him.

  19. Take a walk of thankfulness. Spend time praising God for his blessings.

  20. Pray with or for your spouse.

Just pick one, and maybe come back tomorrow and pick another. You’re on a journey with Jesus, are you moving forward?


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